Continued from
Other beautiful worth seeing place, is the most popular in the world "palm island" - Palm Jumeirah (Jumeirah in Arabic means "beautiful" - جميرا), with beautiful hotels, restaurants and landscape with skyscrapers reflected in the surface of the water. Literally beautiful, this is the perfect location for a romantic dinner as well as for a walk in the middle of the night.
The One and Only and Jumeirah Zabeel Saray are two places that I visited during my staying there. I saw there an amazing interior, atmospheric restaurants - especially with my favorite sushi - and great views. All of this is worth spending your time there and I hope that next time I'll be able to stay there a little longer.
For comparison you should also see the Karama district, which is famous for selling replica of handbags and fashion accessories, such as wallets, belts and sunglasses. This is rather poorer district of the city, which at the first sight might scare. Men approaching you, as soon as you leave the subway, to make you buy their products, seems to be deterrent to tourists, especially for women. At the beginning I expected some kind of bazaar I had seen in Tunisia and Egypt, with clothes, souvenirs and bags of spices. But, the view incredibly surprised me - it was a big, empty square with shops. I felt unsafe and alone (if we talk about the number of tourists). As I got the details of how the sale of "replicas" here take place, I tried not to show my fear and stress. I told to myself: "a deep breath and go on, nothing will happen to me", but common sense forced me to be careful and pay attention to the people staying around me. I noticed that, if one vendor caught up a potential customer, even didn't manage to sell him any products, would provide you to another vendor so that the client stays among "theirs". The biggest stress which I had, that day, was an invitation to the back of the store, in order to see the products. It didn't sound good and I didn't feel good going there. One thing gave me courage - the memorized words, that it was quite normal and I didn't have to be afraid. The sale of these kind of products is not legal in Dubai – that's why that conspiracy. Full of concerns, I decided not to show fear and to go to the back of the store. After I saw the products, I noticed that in most cases the quality of those products was rather low, although you could get used to peek at the back of the stores or attics. But still I'd rather prefer the original one. The only things what it was worth buying there, was the souvenirs such as key rings or playing cards etc. That kind of things was exactly the same but cheaper than in tourist's' areas. Anyway, it was nice to return to safer areas of Downtown.
Another popular place in Dubai, which I visited, is stylish Medinat Jumeirah with a view to the Burj Al Arab.
It is a pleasant and quiet place that allows you to discover Dubai in a different way. Without splendor (except the ATM, in which you can get gold bars) and with wooden interior, light and climatic restaurants you can rest for a moment during the hot and sunny day. It is worth seeing.
At the end, I will focus on the most popular skyscraper which is the Burj Khalifa. This is the place that first makes you wonder, then promises and after that is shocking. This time I went on the 124th floor and I have to admit that the view was worth the money. I couldn't imagine to be in Dubai and not visit the Burj Khalifa. Hard to even talk about it, because it simply has to be experienced not told about.
In Dubai (and in any other country) not only the places but also the people are important. I had the pleasure to meet a few nice people who helped me in seeing many places. Strangers, who helps without asking, should be appreciated – for example the men, who gave me his phone to send a message, just because, I could not track down any WIFI. He just gave me his I'phone, while I was waiting for meal preparation. People in stores and restaurants were always smiling and willing to help. The very fact that you could leave your phone on the table and didn't be worry that someone would steal it - priceless. ;).
As I mentioned earlier, Dubai is definitely a place that you must see. I am convinced that the time spent in the UAE, would be one of the most interesting moments of our lives. It is said to be true that life consists of moments, let's do collect the most beautiful one and as much as it's possible.